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Welcome to Peace Vigil. We design tools to promote peace. Enjoy your stay!

Jan 30 is Gandhi's Martyrdom Anniversary - Commemorate with us

Jan 30 is Gandhi's Martyrdom Anniversary - Commemorate with us

January 30 is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was the first victim of Hindutva in independent India. Since then, many brave people have continued to fight against the politics of hate and in defence of India's diversity.

This January 30 at 6.30 pm, we ask you to join us in paying tribute to Gandhi and all the warriors of peace who have laid down their lives in protecting and promoting the ideals of equality, justice, diversity and compassion. WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER.

To join, register here:


Live singing of
Vaishava jana to...
Jodi tor dak shune...
Abide with me fast...
and more songs

Presentation by Professor Vipin Tripathi on Satyagrah - what does it mean and how is it relevant today? Vipin Tripathi has been working for more than 30 years in fighting communalism by directly talking to people. He explains to people in cities, towns and villages, not only the manipulation of hate propaganda but also its linkages to economic exploitation.

Defining our tribute to those killed by politics of hate and in defence of a diverse India - Sameer Dossani. Sameer is a peace educator with Peace Vigil and has done decades of grassroots work as a global economic justice activist in countries across the world.

What do we need to learn from Gandhi's 21 years in South Africa? - Shirin. Shirin is a peace educator with Peace Vigil. She conducts workshops and trainings on peace.

In justice and peace,
Peace Vigil
Peace Vigil works for peace education. Peace Needs All of Us.

Update on Farmers' Movement with Jagmohan Singh

Update on Farmers' Movement with Jagmohan Singh

Lab pe Aati Hai Dua

Lab pe Aati Hai Dua