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The Kingdom of India in 2024

The Kingdom of India in 2024

Did you know that at the time of Indian independence in 1947, there were 565 princely states and thousands of zamindari estates and jagirs recognized or granted by the British Raj. The reason was that the colonial rulers found these rajas, zamindars and jagirdars very helpful in maintaining their control and countering any opposition to their exploitative rule.

Most princely states had proven their loyalty to the British Raj in 1857 by betraying the First War of Independence. In the words of the then Governor General and the first Viceroy of India, Lord Canning, they served as "breakwaters in a storm". It was then realized by the British that these allies must be maintained and they were proved right because most of the rajas and nawabs did their utmost to undermine the freedom struggle that built up over time.

The reason why the princely states were opposed to the freedom struggle was because it demanded a sovereign democratic republic. Kingdoms had no place in this India. On the other hand, the British were more than happy for princely states to continue. A fragmented and feudal India worked to their advantage.

But the independence of 1947 and the adoption of a constitution in 1950 that made India a republic meant the end of princely states.

This month marks another anniversary of that constitution. But this time, it is an occasion filled with irony because in the same week, we also saw the biggest display of king-like behaviour by the head of the government of India.

On 22nd January, the Prime Minister of India made himself the sole focus of an ultimate exercise of fascist politics. TV and social media transported us back to a time where kings and queens used to perform major religious ceremonies surrounded by a whole lot of fanfare to show off their power and control. God stood guarantee for their right to power or that is what they claimed.

People, constitution or public opinion and in the case of the mega show of the 22nd, even the opinion of religious leaders, did not matter. The divine was invoked. God was used for the obscene glory of one man. He stood centre stage, protected by a huge security force, surrounded by a select few spineless yes men and women and separated by many many barricades from the general public.

The Prime Minister of India said that the event on the 22nd marks a “new era” for India. It certainly does – a new era of a theocratic state led by a fascist leader who like all fascist leaders considers himself an emperor.

Perhaps it is not surprising given the history of RSS, Modi’s teacher and promoter. It has always been against democracy and pro hierarchies. Kings are its preferred choice. In the context of princely states discussed in this article, it should be noted that they backed the RSS to the hilt.

This brings us to another significant day of this month – January 30th. On this day in 1948, MK Gandhi was killed by a Hindutva terrorist by a gun provided by a princely state. The nexus is mind boggling. If you’d like to know about it, hear the 6-part series based on research by Tushar Gandhi, the great grandson on MK Gandhi.. You can also read his book called Let’s Kill Gandhi.


Bishop of Rome

Bishop of Rome

कल - 22 को हम क्या करें?

कल - 22 को हम क्या करें?